P.A. 4 / S.O. 4.1 - N. 465


Cross-border RISk management of hazardous materIal tranSportation

Project Summary

Maritime transportation among Italy, Albania and Montenegro is on the raise. This has a positive effect on the economic side but also increases the chance of disasters related hazardous materials, including chemicals like detergents, varnish, etc. CRISIS aims to study these peculiar risks by considering data and evidences in the Italian, Albanian and Montenegrin territories, as well as the road transportation in the surrounding area. The project will develop Decision Support modules, intended to assist cross-border management of hazardous materials, from risk prevention to cooperation in case of disaster. These modules will implement an ICT platform for monitoring the transportation of these materials, which will assist the stakeholders in several ways in order to minimize risks.


Total budget 1.075.130,00 EUR
EU Contribution IPA co-financing 85%
Duration 01/07/2020 – 31/12/2021

Main Outputs

-    ICT platform for monitoring and hazardous materials transportation

Project Partnership
Lead Partner
Città di Molfetta (IT) - Contacts: Antonella Fatone - antonella.fatone[at]comune.molfetta.ba.it
Project Partners
  1. FLAG Molise Costiero (IT)
  2. Agjencia Kombetare e Mjedisit (AL)
  3. Opština Ulcinj (ME)
FOCUS GROUP CRISIS - Termoli 21 September