The meting that took place in october the 4th 2021 in Molfetta was organized to explain the results and the activities carried out by the project partners in the last months, about the birth of a network of ports between Italy, Albania and Montenegro. The operational meeting was held in the council chamber in Piazza Municipio, where the objectives of the project, development and expected results were discussed.
Specifically, after the preparatory meeting between LP and PP2, where the communication strategies and the start of activities about WP-T1 have been defined, the Mid Term Review faced also the critical issues emerged during the first months and the activities planned for the development of a management platform to monitor the maritime transportation of hazardous materials across the Adriatic Sea.
The Mid-Term meeting was introduced by the Mayor Tommaso Minervini and the Environmental Councilor Maridda Poli. The Municipality of Molfetta (project leader), the Flag Molise Costiero and the representatives of the port of Ulcinj-Port Milena in Montenegro, both as partners of the project, were present to explain their relations. A member of Nea, the Albanian Environmental Agency, took part in the discussion in video conference.
The relations presented by the speakers were helpful in understanding the progress of the project and the next activities such as the realization of the ICT platform through the study of the data collected in WPT1; the development of software modules for the ICT platform; the development, integration, validation of the ICT platform and the xperimental test phase of the ICT platform.